Wifi “Not in Range” issue in Android Phones [Solved]

Hello Folks,Have you ever experienced a problem with your Android Smartphone that your wifi wont connect saying “wifi network not in range” , but it seems all other devices connected to it is working just fine. here is the way how i managed to get out of the situation personally.

Android WIFI

Switching off my Phone

i Switched off my phone and when it got restarted i took the Wi-Fi and was working fine.

Forgetting the Connection

  1. Long Press the Wifi Network.
  2. Select the option “Forget the Connection”.
  3. Manually connect to the Wifi Network again.
  4. That’ll do

Resetting the Wi-fi Modem/Router.

in my case this worked. I reseted the modem and turned off my Wi-fi. Tried pushing it back ON. that worked like charm. Please let me know if you have any good and alternate way. coz I saw many people with the same issue as ours.

Miscellaneous ways I Found on Internet

Factory Resetting

Try the factory resetting option.

  1. Settings
  2. Go to Backup & reset.
  3. Select Factory Reset data. (this method is not advisable).

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